When you operate a franchise restaurant, you need to keep track of a lot of moving parts to be successful—coordinating with suppliers, paying the company’s bills, managing employee schedules, communicating with the corporate parent company, hiring, assigning tasks to your staff, overseeing the budget, collaborating on strategic initiatives with your store’s managers, etc. And that’s when you have just one restaurant. Imagine running as many businesses as Alex does at the same time.
That’s Alex Mercado’s reality: He operates six Subways and is planning to roll out Carl’s Jr. restaurants as well. Plus, Alex also operates other businesses in entirely different industries.
With so many projects and tasks to manage—and so many employees, contractors, suppliers, and business partners to communicate with on a regular basis—Alex realized he couldn’t get it all done with phone calls and emails alone. He needed a single platform to manage all of this information—one he could access from a computer or his phone.