Union Home Mortgage
The national provider of home mortgages has consolidated communication platforms, improved responsiveness to customers, and brought its 1,200 Partners closer with RingCentral.
When I recognized a growing need for conversation intelligence, my initial thought was to seek help from a third-party AI. However, when RingCentral introduced RingSense, it was a clear choice for us.
When RingCentral introduced RingSense, it was a clear choice for us. Having conversation intelligence natively integrated into our existing phone system provides heightened security and ease of use and connectivity.
From the perspective of sales and customer-facing rep training, the RingSense AI platform is revolutionizing our approach to sales training, quality control, and enhancing our customer experiences in promising ways.
The RingSense platform, with its impressive features, is indeed a game-changer in the industry. It is making a transformative impact, bringing structure and consistency to our data management. We are improving the efficiency and accuracy of our record-keeping, ultimately enhancing our customer service and legal compliance.