RingCentral enabled Vyaire to offer video-based training to healthcare providers on how to use their life saving respiratory products.
Using RingCentral’s SMS text automations means we can respond to most of the typical customer questions we receive throughout the day – like how to sign up for a training session – in just a few seconds, with helpful answers. That has made a huge improvement both for our customer experience and for our business’s bottom line.
We loaded our keywords and responses into the RingCentral SMS Automator, and now we’re able to reply immediately and with no manual effort to most text questions and requests from customers. The net effect of that is we’re now seeing about a 50% increase in customer bookings.
Let’s say a new customer asks for more information about Saving Lives Society’s training classes. Using the RingCentral integration with Beetexting, we can have RingCentral catch those keywords – like “more information” or “classes” – and automatically drop in our brochure. That has definitely helped us sign up more customers.
Because RingCentral lets us answer such a large percentage of our daily text inquiries through automation, I’d say our team is spending about 80% less time on those manual responses. That’s time our company can now use much more productively – including adding more lifesaving courses to our calendar.