Western Reserve Academy’s usage of RingCentral ramped up in March of 2020, when, like schools around the world, they were required to transition to distance learning in response to COVID-19. The decision to send students home came quickly and could have fostered a time of tension and confusion, but the leaders at the school stayed focused on their students.
“We did practice meetings in classrooms with students where we showed them how it was going to appear and what to do, and the students very quickly adapted to that and so did their teachers,” Matt said.
Teachers are able to utilize one platform for all kinds of communication—from one-to-one meetings to remote classes, and integrate RingCentral with Canvas to provide all of the resources students need in one place.
Teachers even hosted meetings solo as a way to record video lessons for students. That same recording functionality came in handy for students around the world, so they could attend classes in their own time zone.
Most of all, having the right communication platform kept the Western Reserve Academy community connected during an overwhelming time.
As Matt said, “While it can not take the place of being there physically, we can create areas of community, where people can interact and engage together.”