RingCentral enabled Vyaire to offer video-based training to healthcare providers on how to use their life saving respiratory products.
RingSense has been a game changer. We've gone from auditing 300 calls a month to 75,000 calls a month. When I say those numbers and report those metrics, I don't doubt it at all because it's been on point for giving the right data.
Out of 45,000 calls, there were 50 that required us to actually audit.
I was able to provide a quick report in a matter of minutes. If I would have had to sit there and listen to them, that investigation would have taken days, whereas we basically had the whole thing wrapped up before the end of the day.
The peace of mind that RingSense provides in such a critical situation is truly invaluable. When integrating a newly acquired company, the ability to assure all stakeholders that compliance standards are being met across the board is priceless. RingSense has been instrumental in facilitating this smooth transition and maintaining our high standards of regulatory compliance.