pbx independenceEvery year on the fourth day in July, one nation gathers for a unified anniversary celebration. Grills ignite; fireworks pop and boom in the distance while footballs and cold American beers are tossed around picnic blankets at lake beaches. July Fourth is a day of blissful nostalgia, sensory elation, and warm company, but, above all, it is a day of memorial. Each year, Americans commemorate the day that the founders of the nation gathered together and declared their independence from a system that limited and inhibited their potential to grow and thrive upon their own prowess. The early colonies were under the control of a government that was across an ocean and only had access to very basic forms of communication. The American leadership knew that they didn’t need to be run by a government 3,000 miles away when they could operate themselves more efficiently at the local level. Modern day businesses are similarly burdened by unconnected and outdated structures. No, not by a domineering monocratic authority, rather, a communications structure that is limited and out of date: their phone systems. In recognition of American independence, observe the various ways to become independent from your phone system.

1) Independence from geographical constraints

Although our world can sometimes feel small, as we can travel to almost every part of it in a manner of hours, we must consider how vast this planet is. To run a successful global, or even national, business you must have a seamless and integrated communications platform that can operate quickly and efficiently. Cloud-based communications systems offer release from geographical constraints and boundaries that a physical phone system can tie you to. The ability to access and manage your phone system from any point allows you the freedom to be available to your clients and co-workers even while you’re relaxing on a blanket, watching fireworks in an open field, or roasting marshmallows at the beach. Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) services place all of your contact outlets in the palm of your hand on your preferred mobile devices. Most standard phone system can confine you to your office and leave you with limited access to email or fax (as you likely receive those services through other vendors).

2) Independence from multiple vendors

Dealing with multiple vendors can place unnecessary burden on the modern business. When you switch your company to a cloud-based communications system, the overwhelming stress of having several different vendors performing all of your communication tasks disappears. Instead, when you run your business communications through the cloud, there is no longer a need for multiple providers of different solutions as you now have one provider that does it all. When you’re paying for one service that solves all of your communication needs, you will also simplify your billing, as you no longer have to pay for numerous vendors that offer one service each. You can make your bills more predictable by acquiring your communication outlets through one integrated service.

3) Independence from unpredictable bills

When America was still being formed, the population refused to adhere to taxation without representation. The citizens of the young nation would not tolerate paying for a government that they did not want or need. Cloud-based communications offers independence from unpredictable billing by developing simple and consistent pricing so that you always know what you’re paying for.

This Fourth of July weekend when you’re at a baseball game or waiting to flip the burgers, you can be equipped to run your business right from where you’re standing. When America was founded, it was on the idea that all peoples would have unlimited opportunity and uninhibited potential. Help your business reach its full potential by setting it free from a limited and inhibiting communications platform and incorporate it into a system that will help you and your company grow into the clouds!

How has switching to a cloud phone system helped you gain independence from managing a PBX system? Share your favorite benefits with us in the comments below.

Originally published Jul 01, 2016, updated Jan 30, 2023