

RingCentral Referral Program – Terms and Conditions (US, CAN, & UK)

Last Updated: April 10, 2023

We updated the RingCentral Referral Program – Terms and Conditions on April 10, 2023, and our updates are immediately effective for all Referrers, except existing Referrers located in Quebec as of April 10, 2023 for whom these changes will be effective May 15, 2023. Once these updates are effective, any Awards for Referrer Entries that are pending elapse of the Qualifying Period will be cancelled. View a record of the previous terms and conditions here.

The RingCentral Customer Referral Program (the "Program") is sponsored and administered by RingCentral, Inc., located at 20 Davis Drive, Belmont, CA 94002, or its affiliate ("RingCentral" or “we”) and further described on the website located at referral.ringcentral.com, or its successor site as designated by RingCentral (“Referral Site”). The Program is governed by these terms and conditions ("Official Rules"), which form an agreement by and between RingCentral and you (“you”) when you voluntarily click the button presented with these terms (the “Effective Date”). By participating in the Program, you accept and agree to comply with these Official Rules. Acceptance of the Official Rules in its entirety is required to participate in the Program. To the extent permitted by applicable law, RingCentral reserves the right in its sole discretion to modify, suspend, terminate, or cancel the Program at any time by amending these Official Rules and publishing the amended Official Rules on its website or the Referral Site.  Following any modification to the Official Rules, your continued participation in the Program constitutes acceptance of the amended Official Rules and the Program as is in full force at the time of said change(s).

1.  Definitions

A. “Customer” means a company or individual that

(i) becomes a RingCentral customer by submitting an initial service order for the purchase of a Qualifying Service;

(ii) remains a RingCentral customer in good standing;

(iii) has not received any free service credits or other free service from RingCentral;

(iv) has made at least one valid payment of fees due to RingCentral; and 

(v) is current in payment.


B. “Invalid Referrer” means the following persons and entities that are ineligible to participate in this Program:

(i) employees, officers, directors, resellers, agents, affiliates (a person that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with you) and representatives of RingCentral and RingCentral’s business partners, including their affiliated companies, parents, subsidiaries and advertising and promotion agencies, (collectively, “RingCentral Entities”); (ii) the immediate family members and members of the same household as any RingCentral Entity; and (iii) any organization that has entered into an agreement with RingCentral for the promotion of RingCentral’s products and services to members, franchisees, or other participants in their organization;


C. “Qualifying Period” means, as applicable,

A period of sixty five (65) days from the date that an Entry becomes a Customer.

D. “Qualifying Service” means any service currently offered by RingCentral. Registration and activation of trial or promotional free accounts for RingCentral Contact Center, RingCentral Fax®, RingCentral Professional® or RingEX™, Glip Pro, or other applicable services (in RingCentral’s sole discretion) do not constitute a Qualifying Service under the Program.

E. Post Meeting Referral Page means a webpage displayed to attendees to a RingCentral meeting, video call, webinar, or the like for purposes of participating in the Program by submitting their information or Customer Referral information.

F. “Referral” means a company or individual who is a new potential Customer or Referrer and for whom you have submitted directly or indirectly to RingCentral complete and valid registration information.

G. “Referral Link” means a unique Internet link provided by RingCentral that is solely associated with your RingCentral Referral Account which you can send to Referrals. You will have one Referral Link for Customer Referrals, and a separate Referral Link for Referrer Referrals.

H. “Referrer” means an individual that: (i) is identified in the W-9 tax form (or W-8BEN Form for non-US Referrers) submitted to RingCentral for purposes of the Program, (ii) registers and activates a RingCentral Referral Account (as defined below); (iii) accepts the Program’s Official Rules; and (iv) remains a RingCentral referrer in good standing.

I. “RingCentral Referral Account” means the account opened by RingCentral upon receipt of a valid registration therefor by a Referrer that is activated by Referrer by providing Referrer’s personal contact information on the Referral Site.

2.  Eligibility

To participate in the Program, you must:

(A) be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States, Canada, or United Kingdom; (B) be physically located and actively domiciled in the United States, Canada, or United Kingdom; (C) 18 years of age (or other legal age of majority specified by applicable law) or older; (D) register and activate your RingCentral Referral Account; (E) not be considered an Invalid Referrer, as determined by RingCentral in its sole discretion; and (F) not be in violation or breach of any term(s) within the Official Rules.

3.  Referral Entry Submissions

A. Generally

Nothing in these Official Rules require you to make a Referral submission, and there are no restrictions on how many Referral submissions you make. If you choose to make a Referral submission, each completed submission meeting the requirements of these Official Rules shall be considered an "Entry” (collectively, “Entries”), subject to the Invalid Referral exceptions set forth in Section 3(D). To submit a Referral,

(i) submit a Referral directly to RingCentral through your RingCentral Referral Account or a Post Meeting Referral Page; or (ii) send your Referral Link to your Referral through one of the following options (in which case the Referral submission is completed when your Referral submits the Referral’s own information through the Referral Link): (a) a direct email to the Referral; (b) a direct message through either WhatsApp, SMS, or Line to the Referral; (c) a social media post with your Referral Link, subject to the requirements in Section 6(C), on (1) Facebook, (2) Twitter, (3) Pinterest; or (4) LinkedIn; or (d) share your Referral Link directly to a Referral.

B. Entry Conditions

All Entries will become the sole and exclusive property of RingCentral and will not be returned to you for any reason. You acknowledge and agree that we may inform any Referral that we received their contact information from you.

C. Entry Receipt

RingCentral is not responsible for:

(i) lost, late, delayed, damaged, unintelligible, illegible, misdirected, incomplete or garbled Entries; (ii) your inability to enter your submission through the internet; (iii) entry information not captured correctly; (iv) any issues associated with hardware, software, telephone, Internet, virus contamination, network, human error, electronic malfunctions, or any other technical problems; or (v) delay, failure, or malfunction for any reason. Incomplete or corrupted Entries are void and will not be accepted. Proof of entry is not automatically proof of receipt. RingCentral may refuse any Entry that it reasonably believes may violate applicable laws or regulations or these Official Rules.

D. Invalid Referrals

The following shall not be considered an Entry under the Program, regardless of whether you are notified of the Referral’s status (“Invalid Referrals”):

i.      any Customer Referral of an existing RingCentral customer or an entity or individual that was previously a RingCentral customer at any time within the 12 months preceding the Referral submission;

ii.     any Referrer Referral of an existing Referrer or RingCentral business partner or an entity or individual that was previously a Referrer or RingCentral business partner at any time within the 12 months preceding the Referral submission;

iii.    any Customer Referral previously submitted by any participating individuals or entities under the Program (including you) that has not expired;

iv.    any Referrer Referral previously submitted by any participating individuals or entities under the Program (including you) that has not expired;

v.     any Customer Referral of a potential RingCentral customer previously submitted or provided to RingCentral by any other party, or otherwise procured by RingCentral directly;

vi.    any Referrer Referral of a potential Referrer or business partner previously submitted or provided to RingCentral by any other party, or otherwise procured by RingCentral directly;

vii.   any Referral submitted by an Invalid Referrer;

viii.  any Referral submission generated by a script, macro, or other automated means; and

ix.   any Referrer Referral that would cause you to exceed a maximum limit of five Referrer Entries per calendar year.

4. Awards

A. Generally

Subject to these Official Rules, RingCentral will fund a third-party gift card for each of your Customer Entries that converts to a Customer prior to expiration and is determined by RingCentral in its sole discretion to be a valid Customer upon elapse of the Qualifying Period (with a value of USD $100 if you’re located in the US or Canada or GBP £100 if you’re located in the UK) (an “Award”). To the extent permitted by applicable law, you acknowledge that RingCentral can change the Award under this Program at any time, at its sole discretion, without notice to you or any third party. Third-party gift cards are subject to the third-party issuer’s gift card availability and terms and conditions. RingCentral is not affiliated with or endorsed by any third-party issuer. The third-party issuer’s gift card availability and terms and conditions may differ based on your location. You acknowledge that you may receive emails or text messages from the third-party issuer solely in connection with delivery of your Award.

B. Award Disqualifications

You will not be eligible to receive an Award if: (i) your Entry did not use your Referral Link and you did not submit the Referral directly to RingCentral through your RingCentral Referral Account or a Post Meeting Referral Page; or (ii) the email address provided with your Entry differs from the email address your Referral uses to become a Customer or Referrer.

C. Award Conditions

There is no limit to the number of Awards that you may be awarded under this Program. If you become eligible to receive an Award, RingCentral will fund the Award within forty-five (45) days from the expiration of the applicable Qualifying Period. The Award is non-transferable. If you do not claim the Award within sixty (60) days of RingCentral providing notice of the accrued Award, the Award will expire, and you will lose all rights to it. The Award is subject to the issuer’s terms and conditions. To claim the Award, you may be required to complete an affidavit or declaration of eligibility, liability and publicity release, and relevant tax declaration forms.

5. Taxes


The value of the Award may be treated as ordinary income to you for income tax purposes. You will cooperate with RingCentral as reasonably requested by RingCentral for purposes of RingCentral’s compliance with applicable tax law. Additionally, you are solely responsible for all incidental expenses and all other costs and expenses you incur in relation to or arising out of participation in the Program.

6. Conditions, Representations, and Warranties

A. Representations and Warranties

You represent and warrant that:

(i) your Referrals are located in the US, Canada, or United Kingdom; (ii) by submitting a Referral, you have all of the necessary rights, given all necessary notices, and received explicit, informed, written consent from the Referral to submit the Referral’s contact name and business contact information (including email address, company information, and business phone number) to RingCentral for the Program or send a Referral Link to the Referral, as applicable; (iii) that your Referral contacts are eighteen (18) years of age (or other legal age of majority specified by applicable law) or older; (iv) each US or UK Customer Referral you submit is a business, or representative of a business in a decision making role and is not a Customer Referral for an individual or consumer; (v) if you are located in Canada, the information you provide directly to RingCentral for any Referral in Canada is for an individual with whom you have a Relationship (as defined below); (vi) if you are located in Quebec, you will not submit any Referrer Referrals; (vii) if you are in the US or Canada, RingCentral is authorized to use, analyze, modify and publish your name and any other information provided by you in RingCentral's sole discretion, including without limitation publication in its marketing and promotional materials or website; (viii) RingCentral is authorized to contact you and your Referrals regarding RingCentral offerings, products, and services; (ix) RingCentral is authorized to contact you regarding the status of your Referrals; and (x) your participation and activities in the Program and acceptance and use of Awards does not violate any applicable laws, your employer’s policies, or any other duties or obligations you owe to your employer. “Relationship” means at least one of the following: (a) you have an existing business relationship with the Referral, arising from (1) the purchase of a product, good, service or land by the Referral from you within the last two years, (2) the Referral accepting a business, investment or gaming opportunity from you within the last two years,(3) a written contract entered by the Referral with you that is in existence or expired within the last two years, or (4) an inquiry or application made by the Referral in respect of (1) or (2) within the last six months; or (b) you have had direct, voluntary, two-way communications with the Referral, and (1) it is reasonable to conclude you have a personal relationship with the Referral considering shared interests, experiences, opinions, and other relevant factors; or (2) you are related to the Referral by marriage, a common-law partnership, or legal parent-child relationship.

B. Prohibited Uses of the Program

You may only use the Program in good faith and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. You must not participate in the Program if it is prohibited in the jurisdiction where you reside or work. The following uses are prohibited by RingCentral, and you agree not to use the Program to do any of the following:

(i) creating multiple, duplicate, or fake profiles at https://referral.ringcentral.com in order to invite yourself; (ii) referring others who have created multiple, duplicate, or fake profiles; (iii) using alternative contact information to send Referral Links to yourself or others; (iv) referring contacts or sending your Referral Link to persons that you do not know personally (if RingCentral (in its sole and absolute discretion) believes that you are referring or contacting persons in a way that constitutes spam or unsolicited or otherwise undesirous communications, it may disqualify you from participation in the Program); (v) bulk email distribution of Referral Link(s) to persons you do not know, sharing Referral Link(s) on websites, sharing Referral Link(s) on social media with recipient(s) you do not know, or any other sharing or promotion of a Referral Link in a manner that (in RingCentral’s sole and absolute discretion) may constitute or appear to constitute unsolicited commercial communications or “spam”; (vi) sending Referral Links to fictitious or fake persons;  (vii) impersonating any person or otherwise misrepresenting any person’s identity;  (viii) sending Referral Links to persons under the age of eighteen (18) (or other legal age of majority specified by applicable law) to participate in the Program, or attempting to participate in the Program while being under the age of eighteen (18) (or other legal age of majority specified by applicable law); (ix) transmitting any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or promotional material or any other form of similar solicitation (e.g. “spamming”);  (x) interfering with or disrupting any servers, networks, or systems connected to the Program; (xi) doing anything that harms or damages, or may harm or damage, the brand, goodwill, or reputation of RingCentral, Inc. or any service providers that assist RingCentral, Inc. with providing the Program;  (xii) transmitting any file that contains viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or any other contaminating or destructive features; (xiii)  using any automated system, script, or macro to participate in the Program; (xiv) reselling, bartering, trading, auctioning or otherwise generating income by providing access to the Program to others (xv) infringing the intellectual property rights of RingCentral, its service providers, or any third parties; (xvi) stalking, harassing, or harming any other individual; (xvii) referring yourself or any company you represent or referring a company that has hired you or a company you represent to provide consulting, systems integration, or neutral/objective advice regarding a Qualifying Service or other similar service; (xviii) using the Program in any way that RingCentral (in its sole and absolute discretion) considers to be unreasonable, excessive, or in bad faith; or (xix) using the Program in any way that breaches any applicable local, national, or international law or regulation, or that is in any way unlawful, fraudulent, or wrongful, or has any unlawful, fraudulent, or wrongful purpose or effect.

C. Social Media

If you make any post on any social network (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or LinkedIn) as a part of this Program, you must include, and not delete, any disclosure that the Program website automatically creates for the post you are making. If no such disclosure is automatically generated for your social network, you must, at a minimum include "#Advert" in any social network posts you make as a part of the Program. You are responsible for ensuring that your posts on any social network comply with the terms of use of the site, and any other applicable laws, statutes, and regulations.

D. Controlling RingCentral Referral Account

In the event of a dispute regarding who submitted a particular Referral, the Referral will be deemed submitted by the authorized and registered account holder of the email address associated with the RingCentral Referral Account which directly or indirectly submitted the Referral or the Post Meeting Referral Page submission, whichever was submitted first. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your sign-in credentials and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under them. You agree to notify RingCentral immediately if you believe the confidentiality of your sign-in credentials has been compromised or if you suspect unauthorized use of your RingCentral Referral Account. We are not responsible for your failure to comply with this clause, or for any delay in shutting down your RingCentral Referral Account after you have reported a breach of security to us. You are solely responsible for all activities which occur under your Post Meeting Referral Page submission.

E. Limitations.

You represent and warrant that you shall

(i) comply with all applicable laws relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption (“Bribery Laws”), including but not limited to the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) and the UK Bribery Act 2010; (ii) not engage in any activity, practice, or conduct which would constitute an offense under the FCPA or sections 1, 2, or 6 of the UK Bribery Act 2010 regardless of where such activity, practice, or conduct has been carried out; (iii) immediately notify RingCentral in writing if you learn or suspect that you are being investigated by any law enforcement agency in relation to corrupt practices or any breach of Bribery Laws in connection with your activities hereunder; and (iv) not do, or omit to do, any act that will cause or lead RingCentral to be in breach of any Bribery Laws. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you will not submit any Referrals where you have been retained to provide consulting, systems integration, or neutral/objective advice to a governmental entity or a prime or subcontractor under a governmental contract. You shall make all required disclosures to any government (including local government) customers, education end users, and customers purchasing products or services that will be reimbursed under a government program or grant, in each case, describing all potential Awards you may claim under the Program. You certify that (a) you are not a government entity, (b) you have not accepted any Awards under the Program to the extent that they relate to your performance of a government contract requiring you to provide neutral or unbiased advice to the government with respect to the types of technology products and solutions provided by RingCentral, and (c) your acceptance of Awards under the Program shall not violate any government rules or regulations, including those relating to conflicts of interest or kickbacks. You further acknowledge and agree that RingCentral may elect to withhold or delay any Award to which you may be otherwise entitled hereunder (1) if RingCentral develops a reasonable suspicion that any part of this certification was or has become inaccurate, (2) if you or RingCentral becomes the target of any government action or investigation in any way relating to the Program, or (3) RingCentral decides in its sole discretion to discontinue the Program due to a change in the regulatory environment.

F. Indemnification

You hereby agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless RingCentral and all RingCentral affiliated entities from any and all losses, liabilities, claims, damages, and expenses (including, without limitation, collection fees, court costs, and reasonable attorneys' fees) in the event that you breach this Section 6, or otherwise violate these Official Rules, including without limitation by submitting Referrals that are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States, Canada, or United Kingdom, and are not physically located and actively domiciled in the United States, Canada, or United Kingdom.

7. Conduct; Compliance

A. Disqualifiers

RingCentral reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual it finds to be tampering with the entry process, or suspects of fraud, abuse, or breach of the Official Rules of this Program (“Disqualifier”). RingCentral reserves the right to seek any and all damages for any Disqualifier attempted by you to the fullest extent permitted by law, including without limitation all attorney’s fees.

B. Compliance

RingCentral complies with the federal CAN SPAM Act and the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR Part 255 "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising", the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, and other applicable law. RingCentral honors requests of consumers and customers who choose to opt out of receiving RingCentral marketing emails. Accordingly, if you designate a Referral email address that has previously opted out of receiving RingCentral marketing emails, you will be advised that the email address is not eligible to be sent a Program email. RingCentral reserves the right to terminate your RingCentral Referral Account, deactivate any relevant Referral Link(s), and to require you to stop sharing the Referral Link(s) in any manner not permitted by applicable law.

C. Verification of Compliance

You agree to provide all reasonable information, cooperation, and assistance that RingCentral requests in connection with any review or assessment of your compliance with these Official Rules.







9. Term; Termination

A. Term

The term of this agreement between RingCentral and you will commence on the Effective Date and will remain in effect until terminated under this Section 9. Any notice of termination of this agreement by either party to the other must include an effective date of termination ("Termination Date") that complies with the notice periods in this Section 9.

B. Termination

You may terminate this agreement for any reason by providing us notice and closing your RingCentral Referral Account. We may terminate this agreement with you for any reason by providing you at least 30 days’  advance notice. Either party may terminate this agreement for cause if the other party is in material breach of this agreement and the material breach remains uncured for a period of 30 days from receipt of notice by the other party. No later than the Termination Date, you will close your account. We may also terminate this Agreement immediately upon notice to you (i) if our relationship with a third-party partner who provides products, software, or other technology we use to run the Program expires, terminates, or requires us to change the way we run the Program or (ii) in order to comply with the law or requests of governmental entities.

C. Effect of Termination

Upon the Termination Date, (i) all your rights under this agreement immediately terminate; and (ii) Sections 1, 3(B), 5, 6(D), 6(F), 8, 9(C), and 10 will continue to apply in accordance with their terms.

10. General

A. Governing Law and Venue

This Program and Official Rules shall be governed by the laws of California without giving effect to its rules on conflicts of laws, and the parties to this agreement consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts of San Mateo or San Francisco, California; provided, however, if required by applicable law or the order of a competent court, the law and non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Referral’s place of residence shall apply.

B. Severability

If any provision of this Program or Official Rules is deemed to violate any law, rule, or regulation, it shall be amended to conform to such law, rule, or regulation or, if it is not capable of being amended to conform, stricken, and all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

C. Intellectual Property

The use of certain third-party products and services as Awards does not imply participation in, or approval of, this Program by such third-party product or service providers. This Program is sponsored and administered exclusively by RingCentral and is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Visa®, Facebook®, LinkedIn®, Twitter®, or any other company referenced herein.

D. Privacy Policy

Personal information submitted for this Program will be subject to RingCentral's Privacy Policy, as amended from time to time, and posted at http://www.ringcentral.com/legal/privacy-policy.htmlYou acknowledge that RingCentral may provide relevant personal information, including your name and address, about you to third parties solely to the extent necessary to issue your accrued Award. Personal information submitted for this Program by you, or any other party may be processed and stored in both Canada and the United States.

E. Contact Us

You may contact RingCentral at customerreferral@ringcentral.com, or (i) if you are based in the US and Canada at: RingCentral, Inc., 20 Davis Drive, Belmont, CA 94002 or (ii) if you are based in the UK at: RingCentral UK Limited, 25 Canada Square, Level 37, London, England, E14 5LQ. If you would like to unsubscribe from receiving offers and promotions from RingCentral, you may do so here: https://go.ringcentral.com/UnsubscribePage.html. And if you would like to inquire about your personal data, you may do so here: https://www.ringcentral.com/legal/data-subject-access-request.html.