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The RingCentral Interactions KPI Analytics dashboard
The RingCentral Interactions KPI Analytics dashboard
Running a business smoothly is challenging. Ensuring positive customer interactions across different channels takes a lot of effort. With RingCentral's CX solutions, gain insights into customer stories and journeys and improve agent performance. Our platform balances great customer service with cost management.

Deliver world-class customer service while keeping costs manageable

Historical reporting
Track performance trends like Average Handle Time (AHT), Average Speed of Answer (ASA), and Abandon Rate. Select a pre-built report, or build custom reports tailored to your organization's needs.
Real-time dashboards
With a widget-based live dashboard, you can build customized views for different business members. You can also monitor overall contact center performance levels, queue information, and other critical real-time data.
Conversation intelligence
Analyze every interaction to find insights, such as overall customer sentiment, key topics, and competitive mentions. Leverage these insights to identify trouble areas with customer service to provide better experiences.
Voice of the customer
Gather feedback directly from your customers with post-interaction surveys. Select from a variety of question types, including simple boolean, multiple choice, and rankings to track customer satisfaction (CSAT), customer effort score (CES), and net promoter score (NPS).

Know more about contact center analytics

A woman looking at a pie chart about the interactions handled by channel type in the RingCentral app
A woman looking at a pie chart about the interactions handled by channel type in the RingCentral app

Contact center reporting

Track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as AHT and ASA. Display the data in charts, graphs, tables, and other infographics.
Take advantage of over 200 pre-built reports or use custom ones to address your business’ unique reporting requirements.
Monitor trends in real time with customizable dashboards to make informed decisions based on what’s happening in the moment.

 Conversation intelligence

  • Analyze customer interactions to understand customer needs, agent performance, and operational trends.
Use data from each interaction to find opportunities to improve agent and customer conversations and avoid dissatisfaction whenever possible.
Leverage conversational insights to enable effective business decisions.
The Scorecards and Leaderboard list reports in the RingCentral app
The Scorecards and Leaderboard list reports in the RingCentral app
A Chimerical Post-Interaction Survey being shared via link in the RingCentral app
A Chimerical Post-Interaction Survey being shared via link in the RingCentral app

Customer surveys and feedback management

Capture customer data that gives actionable insights to improve customer loyalty, satisfaction, retention, and experience.
Contact center managers can review agent performance and provide rewards for positive customer feedback and improvement plans for negative ones.
Gather unbiased feedback from different channels and funnel them directly from customer to agent to avoid misinterpretations.

Contact center data analytics tools

Uncover rich insights into the performance of your contact center. RingCentral supports a wide range of advanced analytics tools with multiple perspectives that can help in strategic decision-making.

Learn more about RingCX today

Create effortless employee and customer experiences from one AI-powered platform.

FAQs about contact center analytics software


A woman looking at her mobile phone

Excelling in the experience economy

The rules of customer engagement have changed.
A man looking down on his laptop while a hand touches his forehead

Disjointed and disgruntled

How broken communications workflow impacts customer satisfaction & the bottom line.
Two female colleagues discuss about customer relationships strategies in front of a laptop

Disruptive customer engagement

Join industry analyst Shelia McGee-Smith as she shares how companies are using the cloud to transform customer relationships in ways that disrupt their industries.

Explore more RingCentral CX Solutions

Improve customer satisfaction with RingCentral today