Make connections that convert
Dialers for every campaign
Make the most out of every conversation with manual, preview, progressive, and predictive dialers.
Easy agent experiences
Increase efficiency and productivity when working through lead lists and dispositions.
Personalised scripting
Ensure consistent, on-brand experiences with accurate, flexible scripts tailored to every customer.
Set agents up for success
Help your team deliver a more personalised service to every customer.
Create scripts quickly
Quickly build and update responses with our drag-and-drop scripting builder. No coding necessary.
Guide conversations
Assist agents by creating dynamic workflows to guide conversations and highlight compliance and mandatory disclaimers.
Onboard new agents in minutes
Get new outbound call centre agents up and running quickly with script guidance every step of the way.
Speed up lead generation
Reach leads and customers faster than competitors while reducing the risk of TCPA violations.
Stay dialed-in
Make the most of every connection by using advanced list management features with preview, predictive, and proactive dialers.
Leverage call blending
Maximise productivity by starting an outbound campaign during low traffic and switch to inbound when it gets busier.
Stay Compliant
Help you to stay within the lines of compliance and regulations, give your business the peace of mind you need to save your focus for what matters.
Get more context on every call
Integrate popular CRMs to make outbound calls more relevant and effective. Create campaigns on the fly by grabbing lists from other systems and use web aggregators to capture and prioritise hot leads. Connect to any proprietary CRM or other back-end systems with our open APIs.
The fastest way to drive more outbound sales
Everything you need to close deals faster
RingCentral Engage was the only solution capable of giving us this level of flexibility and customisation.