Since the arrival of Global RingEX, most of the old hard phones have been replaced with softphones that are fully integrated with users’ Google G Suite applications. Employees who travel can use the RingCentral Mobile® app and never miss a call. RingEX has proved to be a great way to conduct daily stand-up meetings.
All of these are improvements over the previous system, but it’s probably RingCentral Video that has made the biggest impact on the company’s ability to collaborate, according to Earnest Lynch, IntelliSurvey’s Desktop Support Technician. “Using RingCentral Video has given us a 30% increase in productivity,” says Lynch. “And that is an understatement.”
RingCentral Video serves as an all-in-one team messaging hub that helps reduce email clutter and features file sharing, screen sharing, search, calendaring, and integrated task management tools to help keep people focused and on schedule. Lynch was hired after its introduction to the company. A number of collaborative programs were demonstrated by the IT team, but RingCentral Video has always been head and shoulders above the rest. “If a tool passes the IT test, then we let it out to the rest of the company,” he says.
RingCentral Video definitely passed their test. Lynch explains how IT uses it and why it’s so popular. “IT has separate RingCentral Video teams for each project. One for servers, one for team updates, one for troubleshooting, etc.,” he says. “By being able to have more than one team with the same users, you’re able to tailor your speech to focus the conversation and not muddy the waters.”