In today’s macroeconomic environment, many businesses are struggling to find the balance between scaling and modernizing their business without overspending. And while no single technology is the magic solution to these issues, investing in the customer experience is a surefire way to have happier, loyal customers that drive growth with profitability.

That is why we are constantly enhancing our customer experience portfolio. Here are the top CX innovations for Fall 2023 to help you do more with less.

Our Agile CX Solution: RingCX

Introduced earlier this year and now generally available, RingCX is our natively built, AI-first Contact Center that is simple to use and easy to deploy. As we continue to see incredible interest in the market, we have made the following innovations:

  1. Workforce Engagement Management
  2. Click to launch from MVP
  3. Real-time AI call summaries

Workforce Engagement Management

Leveraging RingSenseTM, RingCentral’s native AI platform, RingCX now supports native Workforce Engagement Management (WEM). This provides post-call quality management and conversation analytics, with summaries for all team calls, highlights and keywords, automated scores, and feedback/coaching. These capabilities free supervisors from listening to call recordings by automatically identifying critical interactions needing attention. 

For example, a supervisor can use the RingSense dashboard to identify every call scored at a 7 or lower to determine which ones to focus on for coaching opportunities.

RingCX WEM is available in beta in the US, Canada, and UK.

Click to launch from MVP

Agents, supervisors, and administrators can now directly access the RingCX interface from RingCentral MVP by clicking on the RingCX tab.  

This enhanced integration simplifies the RingCX user experience with a single, unified interface to access all capabilities.

Click to launch from MVP is generally available in the US, Canada, and UK.

Real-time AI call summaries

Free your agents up from tedious, error-prone note-taking so they can focus more on solving customer problems. Real-Time AI Summaries provide automatic summaries of each interaction during calls, helping agents significantly improve their follow-up on tasks, which is where agents spend approximately 25-30% of their time. The call summaries also help subsequent agents before calls, giving them insights from prior conversations.

For example, an agent receiving a transferred call can see insights from previous calls in the customer card to solve the problem more efficiently. The call is then automatically summarized for the agent, allowing them to move more quickly to the next customer.

Real-time AI call summaries are available in beta in the US, Canada, and UK.

Our Enterprise CX Solution: RingCentral Contact Center

For our customers with more complex use cases and larger deployments, we continue to enhance RingCentral Contact Center with new capabilities:

  1. Streamlined coaching
  2. Asynchronous forecasting
  3. Agent conformance insights

Streamlined coaching

Getting the most out of your agents is the key to customer satisfaction. To do that, your coaching sessions need to be targeted and streamlined. The new Coaching Manager allows you to focus on specific goals and behaviors for 1:1 coaching, with a group of agents, or in a Coach the Coach setting. Sessions can be sent to agents to complete on their own time or scheduled using WFM to appear on the agents’ calendars.

For example, a supervisor can schedule a 1:1 session for an agent who struggles to close issues quickly, focusing on Average Handle Time with the desired behavior of Operate With Urgency.

Streamlined coaching is generally available in all geographic areas.

Asynchronous forecasting

Resource planning for asynchronous digital channels such as Twitter and WhatsApp has traditionally been challenging due to long handle times, intermittent messaging, and contacts spanning time intervals, or if resourcing intervals are shorter than the handle times. To simplify forecasting, WFM now supports true-to-interval (TTI) analytics to more accurately collect data through the lifespan of the interaction. This will improve forecasting accuracy and make staffing requirements more realistic.

For example, an interaction that arrives at 9:10 and completes at 9:40 crosses multiple time intervals. TTI analytics accurately calculates the staff requirements based on the actual handle time per interval rather than having the total handle time in the final interval.

Asynchronous forecasting is generally available in all geographic areas.

Agent conformance enhancements

Ensuring agents work when they are scheduled to work is critical to managing costs. The Adherence Report previously showed the percentage of time agents were in and out of conformance. Now WFM supervisors can see the exact amount of time that agents conform to their scheduled shift times as well as other planned activities.

For example, an agent was scheduled for a training session for three hours but was only in the session for one hour. The agent’s conformance value would be 60m.

The Agent conformance enhancements reporting is generally available in all geographic areas.

Find the right CX solution to meet your needs

Customer expectations are as high as ever, so it is critical that you provide the best service you can, but as efficiently as possible.

Whether your needs are simple or complex, RingCentral has the right solution for you. Reduce customer effort and empower agents, supervisors, and operations teams by utilizing our latest innovations.

Get started by requesting a demo!

Originally published Dec 13, 2023, updated Nov 12, 2024