Do more than simply record a greeting. Make a statement. Today’s tip will help you establish instant credibility by hiring professional voice talent to record your company, introductory and voicemail greetings.
Professionally recorded greetings start from as little as $50 – but they can make you sound like a million bucks. They will also help your business:
- Establish a more professional image.
- Reduce the number of hang-ups you experience by encouraging callers to stay on hold.
- Deliver targeted, professional-quality marketing messages.
To sign up for professionally recorded greetings:
1) Log in to your RingCentral account.
2) In the Overview tab, click the “Click here to get started today!” link under Professional Voice Recordings. (It’s in the Announcements box.)
3) You’ll get taken to our partner’s (Snap Recordings’) website. Click the Get Started button to create an account with Snap Recordings.
4) Follow the prompts to sign up for a recording session.
That’s it! You’ll be well on your way to improving your company’s image with a professional greeting.
Featured image courtesy of: Seven Morris via photopin cc.
Originally published Dec 20, 2012, updated Nov 04, 2024