RingClone is a powerful compliance tool for RingCentral users, combining quality assurance processing with data archiving and retrieval in an all-in-one, easy-to-use system.
New RingClone Salesforce integration
In some recent discussions with RingCentral Solution Engineers, we discovered that there was a need to integrate our archival engine into customers’ Salesforce accounts. This new RingClone Salesforce integration solves two problems:
- Recording links generated by the RingCentral dialer (in Salesforce) expire after 30 to 90 days
- There is no auto-logging of Salesforce tasks outside the RingCentral dialer
Long-term storage links
This new integration ties into the archiving engine that already exists in the RingClone framework. A new, long-term storage link is generated and then attached to each corresponding task within Salesforce. This is extremely useful to end users, as they don’t have to navigate to a separate app (outside Salesforce) to listen to call recordings that are in archival storage.
RingClone also added a highly configurable Salesforce processor that enables end users to “auto-log” calls into their Salesforce account even when they are not using the RingCentral dialer (from soft phones or the RingCentral app). This new engine provides insurance that all calls are being logged into Salesforce properly, and can act as a backup processor to insert data if users forget to log calls manually.
Easy to set up
I want to highlight a very quick example to show how easy this new integration can be to set up. Appending the archival storage link to existing Salesforce tasks is the simplest way to use this new integration. If you are already using the RingCentral dialer in Salesforce and would like to append a long-term storage link for recordings, then this is the solution to follow. To achieve this, you can enable the option for RingClone to isolate each task “by recording id” (generated by the dialer) and then create a new field for the archival link to be stored in:
After this has been set up, RingClone will start uploading long-term storage links for each corresponding Salesforce task (generated by the RingCentral dialer in Salesforce).
Highly configurable
RingClone’s Salesforce integration is also highly configurable. It can be set up to work stand-alone from the dialer and push calls that are initiated from a soft phone or from the RingCentral app to your Salesforce account directly.
Smart process
And this process is smart. RingClone incorporates a unique algorithm that isolates Salesforce tasks by agent, contact/lead, and timing of each call. This ensures that tasks are not duplicated, and that data from each call gets appended accurately.
Custom field mapping
In addition, RingClone’s interface allows you to set up custom data mapping attributes to be uploaded to tasks in your Salesforce account. All call attributes are supported, and there are some proprietary ones as well (such as “Call Recording Link”). All possible attributes are listed on the right side in the main Salesforce configuration page. A simple drag-drop mechanism allows you to set up any custom field mapping configuration that fits your business processes.
This new integration also supports complex rules for data insertion and manipulation within Salesforce tasks. The “Advanced” tab in the Salesforce configuration module allows for a direct edit of the rules and mappings. Utilizing this feature allows you to set up conditional rules, voicemail attachments, pilot users, and more.
Because of the high configurability that the RingClone Salesforce integration provides, this solution can fit just about any use case. Whether you want to simply incorporate long-term storage links into your Salesforce account (for call recordings), or if you want to create a backup procedure to add data when users forget, this new integration can prove to be an invaluable solution for these cases and more.
Try RingClone for free
And signing up for RingClone is easy. There is even a free trial. Click here to get started, or feel free to reach out to us at support@ringclone.com with any questions you might have.
Originally published Jun 22, 2021, updated Jul 25, 2024