geek3_rebecca_erikToday, we’d like to feature Erik and Rebecca Herrera of Geek3 Computer Repair.

While Erik is on the road most days helping clients with his two other partners, Rebecca keeps things running smoothly by managing the administrative side of the business. Together, they are focused on building a promising future as partners in life and business. Erik shares with us how he and Rebecca manage their busy life together:

Tell Us About Your Business:
We operate a computer repair business in Gainesville, Florida. We are always on call and frequently work at clients’ offices. Rebecca keeps up with the paperwork and accounting and is available to take calls while my partners and I are out in the field.

Tell Us How You Met.
We met online through a mutual friend. I introduced myself via “MySpace” after seeing her commenting on my friend’s pages. Finally, I clicked on her profile and said hello. We hit it off immediately, and the rest is history!

Are There Any Challenges to Working Together and Also Running a Business?
We’ve found a good balance of working together because we know each other’s strengths and weaknesses. It’s our business on the line, and my wife really helps put priorities first. It’s always challenging having to set things aside for another day, but doing so really helps lay the foundation for our success.

How Do You Use RingCentral in Your Business?
With the help of RingCentral, we’ve increased the number of phones that ring to ensure that no calls are missed. Having the ability to also make calls and view faxes from the iPhone is also a critical asset to our business.

Do You Have Any Advice to Give Other Small Business Owners?
It’s so important to define the relationship in advance to prevent any issues from arising down the road. Rebecca and I have defined what we do best and respect each other’s unique skill sets. Together, we make a great team!

The RingCentral Give Love, Get Love Contest is in full swing now! Remember to enter today by sharing your love for RingCentral with other business owners. You might just win one of five iPads and a 5-user RingCentral Office System for the life of your business!

Originally published Feb 18, 2011, updated Sep 01, 2021