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Building your brand and empowering yourself

RingCentral Events AI Real Talk


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2 min read

Modern marketing professionals face unique challenges in today’s digital landscape. At our recent event, “Beyond the Venue: Event Strategies for Modern Marketers,” industry experts Dahlia El Gazzar and Lee Drever shared valuable insights during their session “Build your brand and empower yourself.” Let’s explore their key takeaways and practical advice for marketers looking to elevate their personal and professional brands.

Embrace authenticity in your brand

Authenticity is the foundation of a strong personal brand. Dahlia emphasized the importance of being genuine and transparent in your interactions, both online and offline. She advised:

  • Showcase your true personality and values in your content
  • Having two way communication with audience via Q&A and panel discussions on screen
  • Share your unique experiences and perspectives
  • Be consistent across all platforms and touchpoints

Embracing authenticity helps you create a more relatable and trustworthy brand that resonates with your audience. Audiences want to interact not just with brands, but also with the people and personalities behind them. It’s important to evaluate how you’re approaching your brand on a personal level.

Cultivate meaningful connections

Both Lee and Dahlia stressed the importance of building genuine relationships within your industry. Here are some strategies they suggested:

  • Attend virtual and in-person events to expand your network
  • Engage in thoughtful conversations and relationship building through webinars, social media, professional forums, and phone calls
  • Offer value to others through mentorship or knowledge-sharing – don’t be afraid to share your recipes and techniques to build relationships and trust with your audience

And especially with content, it’s about microdosing—offering breadcrumbs of what you are doing with the content that it’s in doses, so people still want to come to you to get more of, to latch onto your brand. These meaningful connections can lead to new opportunities and collaborations that strengthen your brand.

Evolve and adapt to using different platforms and formats

The marketing landscape is dynamic, and your brand should be too. Dahlia and Lee emphasized the need for a “shivot” (shift + pivot, coined by Dahlia), because your audience may want to digest your content in different formats. It’s important to experiment with various approaches to ensure your brand resonates with your intended audience.

  • Stay informed about industry trends and emerging technologies
  • Seek feedback from peers and mentors to identify areas for improvement
  • Play around with your content and formats, such as long posts, videos, town halls, etc.

Once you identify the formats and platforms that best engage your audience, dedicate your energy to creating more content in those formats. Make sure to let authenticity naturally flow, as it contributes to effective brand building. Organic conversations infused with fun and genuineness will capture attention and encourage your audience to listen and engage.


Building a strong personal brand and empowering yourself as a marketer requires dedication, authenticity, and strategic thinking. By implementing the advice shared by Dahlia El Gazzar and Lee Drever at our “Beyond the Venue” event, you can create a powerful brand that opens doors and drives your career forward. Remember, your personal brand is a reflection of your unique value proposition – nurture it wisely, and watch your professional opportunities grow.

Want to learn more about this topic? Connect with our speakers on LinkedIn.

Watch the full session on demand, starting at 29:00


Check out the other blog in our RingCentral Events AI Real Talk series here:

Originally published Sep 16, 2024

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