kid-6880_bactes_blog_postBACTES is a leader in fulfilling medical record requests for healthcare providers. Their clients include hospitals, insurance companies, attorneys, government agencies and other parties who require access to protected health information (PHI). With RingCentral’s secure and reliable communications system, BACTES gains the trust and partnerships of hospitals and other healthcare organizations to manage their record handling and transmission of PHI.

Founded in 1991, BACTES now has more than 500 employees in San Diego, California. They serve more than 5,000 clients in the highly regulated healthcare industry across the US.

Scalable and secure cloud communication is essential

With the growing demands in managing medical record requests, BACTES needs an enterprise-grade communications system to scale as the company is expanding.

Irene Torres, the Manager of Customer Service and Quality at BACTES, is responsible for a number of functions, including the administration of BACTES’ communication system, and ensuring the company has all the documentation required by the numerous regulations and statutes, allowing it to access, handle, and release medical records.

“After evaluating a number of options, we selected RingCentral,” says Torres. “RingCentral met all our list of criteria, which included comprehensive call features, as well as an intuitive administrative portal. Moreover, RingCentral offers the best price with its all-inclusive services.”

Empowering workforce collaboration

Reliable real-time communication is also crucial to BACTES. Prior to implementing RingCentral, BACTES was using GoToMeeting, but they had many technical issues. After trying RingCentral Meetings, a cloud video conferencing solution, Torres was impressed with the quality and ease of use. RingCentral Meetings enables BACTES employees to frequently have productive face-to-face virtual meetings.

“As our company grows, I’m setting up RingCentral Meetings accounts for more and more employees every month,” says Torres. “People obviously like using it. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be asked to set up new accounts each month.”

The intuitive design of RingCentral Meetings also benefits IT. “It’s very user-friendly, and requires no IT involvement or telecom expertise to set up and run a meeting, which is something I know we all appreciate,” Torres adds.

Read the full case study for all the details.

Originally published Jan 11, 2017, updated Aug 22, 2021