Professionally Recorded Phone Greetings and Voicemail Greetings

Establish your brand and build credibility with your callers, customers, and partners.
A male agent wearing a headset working from home

What is a Professional Phone Greeting?

A professionally recorded greeting is a pre-recorded audio message to welcome callers to your business or organization. You can use it with an automated telephone system, such as an interactive voice response (IVR) feature from a VoIP phone system. The greeting may include your company name, company logo, a brief message, and a menu of options for the caller, including listening to your professionally recorded business voicemail greeting. This recording aims to establish a connection with your clients even when you aren't speaking to them in real-time.
Short and professional, a professionally recorded greeting included in a business phone number lets people form a good first impression of your company. A professionally recorded greeting can present a consistent and polished voice anytime a call comes through, even after hours. It also increases the efficiency of your employees as it can efficiently reduce the amount of time answering calls or putting calls on hold, freeing them to do other tasks. Finally, if you are a small business, you can also save on the costs of training or hiring additional staff to answer your calls.
Now, you can cater to more business calls with a carefully crafted professional recording. Let callers know their call is important to you, and invite them to continue engaging with your company with a call to action.
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Benefits of Professionally Recorded Greetings and Professional Voicemail Greetings
While you can record your own voicemail greeting and phone call greeting, not everyone may have the confidence and consistency to present a professional front every time. Sometimes, a caller may perceive a different message just because of an inflection of tone or an inappropriate word used. To prevent miscommunication, it pays to have a voice talent prepare a professionally recorded greeting.

Get enhanced customer relations

Make a good first impression on your customers.
Welcome and greet your incoming call clientele with a professionally recorded greeting. Customize your professionally recorded greeting to elevate customer satisfaction during regular operations, after-hours, or on holidays.
RingCentral Professionally Recorded Greeting's script dashboard
RingCentral Professionally Recorded Greeting's template dashboard

Project a polished professional image

Bring sophistication to your business phone system menus, after-hours phone greetings, IVR prompts, and directory menus.
Incorporate a professional voice greeting to enhance your customers’ phone call experience. Users and departments can customize their extensions with their choice of background music, on-hold music, voice greeting, and professional voicemail recording. Establish a positive connection with your callers with customized good tidings that best fit client demographics.

Manage your calls better

Keep your callers on the line with professionally recorded messages.
With a professionally recorded message, you can help manage the time frame callers are on hold. While they are waiting, you can keep callers engaged when you record answers for frequently asked questions, such as business hours, locations, or directions. Likewise, you can set up after-hours greetings to cater to callers you may receive outside business hours.
A list of Professionally Recorded Greetings in a RingCentral account
RingCentral's Professionally Recorded Greeting Customization dashboard

Build trust among your callers

Inspire confidence through professional pre-recorded greetings
Evoke trust and competence and establish a consistent voice that reflects your brand throughout the caller experience. 
When you avail of a RingCentral account, you can also avail of Snap Recordings' professional voiceover services. They offer a variety of packages, and it's easy to create your professional phone greetings, voicemail messages, and messages and go live with professional recordings in 3–4 business days, with 1–2 days rush service available. 
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Components of Good Professional Phone Greetings
While there are lots of voicemail greeting examples and voicemail greeting scripts and templates you can check on the internet, a professional voicemail recording, as well as a professional business recording greeting, must have these four components.


Give all the essential data every caller needs to hear. The greeting must include your company name, company logo, a brief message, and a menu of options for the caller. You can incorporate other contact information aside from the business phone number they are calling, such as your email address. Let them leave you a brief message via your professional voicemail greeting to encourage them to engage with your brand further.
A woman hears a professionally recorded greeting from a RingCentral account
A man listening to a professionally recorded greeting on his mobile phone


Just like when you record a personal greeting for your phone, professional greetings for your business phone must thank the guest for taking the time to call. Tell them they have dialed the correct number and that you are willing to help them as much as possible.


Make them feel welcome with a short introduction and establish rapport as you encourage them to choose from the menu or leave their contact information for you to call back. Make the guest stay available long enough to pay attention to your message. Let your recording inspire your callers to trust your business.
A man listening to a professionally recorded greeting on his phone while looking at his laptop
A woman records a company phone greeting on her phone while working on a laptop


Like most voicemail greetings, Keep your business voice greeting short and straightforward. Typically, its runtime must be inside 10 to 30 seconds. Many callers will appreciate a brief message that immediately gives them all the necessary information.

Professional Voicemail Greetings Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yes, there are guidelines and script help for auto attendant greetings, voice prompts, and music and messages on hold for various industries, including message samples. Click here for script help.
For best quality, MP3 files should be 16 kHz mono. WAV files of 8 kHz mono are also acceptable. Playback quality will depend on the user's codec; if the codec is narrowband (G7.11), it will playback at 8 kHz. If wideband (Opus or G7.22) is available, then 16 kHz will be used.
Admins can update voice recordings at the IVR and call queue level. For IVRs, access Auto-Receptionist settings in the online admin portal. Prompts can be imported directly from your computer on the Prompts Library tab. Once prompts have been uploaded, they can be assigned to IVR menus. For call queues, access Group settings in the online admin portal and select the call queue to be edited. Under the Greetings and Hold Music tab, admins can upload recordings to the Call Queue Greeting, Hold music, and Interrupt Prompt sections.
Users can also upload their recordings for their personal greetings and hold music. From the user's online account settings, navigate to "Greetings and Call Screening." Users can upload recordings to the User Greeting, Connecting Message, Audio While Connecting, and Hold Music sections. These user-level prompts can also be bulk managed with user templates.
It may not be. Check for a setting called "Fade Out" in the program you're listening to the recording in, such as iTunes. If this is the case, turn it off to hear your full recording. 
Here are the professional voiceover pricing from Snap Recordings: Greetings and voice prompts are $50 for every 75 words. On-hold messages start at $99 and include the first 100 words plus one background music track. Background music tracks cost $40 for each additional 100 words.
The standard turnaround time is 3–4 business days, while rush delivery is available in 1–2 business days. It costs $50 for the first 75 words and $25 for every 75 words after that.
To develop a script for your voice greeting and voice recording, here's what you should include: a greeting, Your name, Your company, and a simple explanation for missing the call. Inform them of when you'll be able to call back the person, or of an alternative person to reach out to. You can also give them other methods to reach you such as email or text. Lastly, encourage them with a call to action such as sending you a voicemail message, or sending you an email.
More Cloud Phone Administration Features
Multi-level IVR
Music on hold
Dial-by-name directory
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