The Husband Wife Law Team

The Husband & Wife Law Team saves money and speeds workflows by 15x with RingEX and RingCX
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time saved by managers analyzing team members’ calls using RingSense for RingCX


improvement in call handling speed of answer thanks to RingCX

telecom costs after switching to RingEX and RingCX
With both RingEX and RingCX, I feel like we’ve future-proofed our communications and our contact center in particular. We’re excited to continue rolling out all of RingCX’s bells and whistles, because we know this is a solution designed to support us as we grow and to help us continue delivering a great client experience.

Joe Phelps

Intake Director

A multiple-award-winning personal injury law firm

When Mark and Alexis Breyer founded The Husband & Wife Law Team in 1996, the personal injury attorneys (who met in law school) aimed to create a firm that both earned justice for its clients and helped those clients through the traumatic experience that sent them to a law firm in the first place.
The Breyers have more than achieved that mission. In the three decades since they began their practice, The Husband & Wife Law Team has grown to a medium-sized business, earned numerous industry awards, and built a 98% success rate for its clients.
Law practice
Phoenix, AZ

A phone system that didn’t acquit itself well

Prior to discovering RingCentral, The Husband & Wife Law Team used another VoIP telecom system. Intake Director Joe Phelps explains that although the solution provided adequate phone service, it lacked key functionality that the growing firm needed.
We looked at other cloud phone providers, and a few things really impressed us about RingEX. The analytics were so much more detailed and useful than what we saw elsewhere, and RingEX had key integrations, including for our case management solution. But the major factor was RingCentral’s new RingSense technology, because one of our strategic priorities was to improve our workflows with AI.

Joe Phelps

Intake Director
With their research complete, Joe and his team selected the RingEX phone solution for its small cross-functional teams.
One of the first benefits the staff noticed and appreciated, Joe explains, was the flexibility of the RingEX platform.
“For most of our employees, RingEX serves as a flexible phone system they can use on their mobile phones or through the desktop app on their computers. Each department has its own use cases. Some often need to exchange documents with clients and send frequent, small updates or questions–and both the team members and our clients often prefer texts rather than calls. With RingEX, they can send and receive texts from anywhere using their business numbers.”

A judgment in favor of RingCX

The Husband & Wife Law Team was thrilled with its new RingEX communications platform. But Joe notes that as he completed the implementation, RingCentral announced the availability of RingCX. The new AI-powered contact center solution, Joe explains, seemed an ideal fit for the firm’s intake team.
Our intake team works closely together to handle a high volume of potential new client interactions a month. I immediately saw several ways RingCX could make us more efficient and effective, including the omnichannel capabilities, as well as the powerful AI coaching tools with RingSense for RingCX.

Joe Phelps

Intake Director

RingCX helps raise the bar on the firm’s contact center workflows

Just as he had hoped, Joe found that implementing RingCX helped his intake team significantly improve their operations.
“The omnichannel features in RingCX help us manage our inbound call volume,” Joe says. “I set up some workflows with email, for example, so callers can opt to send an email inquiry rather than wait on hold, and those emails go to the next available team member. That saves us time and helps potential clients who’d rather connect by email.”
Integrating email inquiries into the intake process has proven such an efficiency boost, in fact, that Joe plans to leverage more of RingCX’s omnichannel capabilities. “As we evolve, we’re looking to take advantage of all the digital channels RingCX offers, which will also help us keep the call volume manageable and give potential new clients another communication option.”
Joe also points out that his team has found a way to add significant business value by combining RingCX’s call transcriptions with the RingCentral integration for Filevine, the firm’s case management system.
Thanks to the transcription feature, we can better understand the clients’ needs and communicate those to their dedicated legal team.  RingCX integrates with our case management app. Our goal is to allow our team members to focus on having a meaningful conversation and RingSense is helping us meet that goal.

Joe Phelps

Intake Director

RingSense for RingCX proves the ultimate expert witness

Of all the new capabilities RingCX has delivered for the firm’s intake team, Joe believes the most valuable is the AI-driven scorecard. "We are realizing further time savings with new features like AI-scorecards, saving time that our managers have to spend evaluating and coaching agents. The scorecard is customized to our operations and how we measure our agents."
Combined with other RingSense for RingCX business intelligence features, the firm’s intake team has all the tools necessary to elevate their members.
With AI Quality Management, we’re getting so much visibility into how our team members are performing, what’s working, and where we need to improve our processes. I can’t tell you how much we appreciate the scorecards, the interaction analytics, and the automated call summaries. These are invaluable not just to coach our current team but also to more efficiently onboard team members, which we’re doing a lot as the firm grows.

Joe Phelps

 Intake Director

Finding coachable moments more quickly with RingSense for RingCX

To analyze the value they were receiving from the AI-powered RingSense for RingCX, Joe and his team studied their RingCentral data showing how long sales managers spent reviewing recorded calls between team members and potential clients.
As Joe explains, these call reviews have historically taken the company a lot of time. The QA team aims to evaluate a portion of the calls per month for each of the department’s intakes representatives.
Because they had to listen to the entire call to find what they call “coachable moments,” the points in these conversations where a team member would benefit from constructive feedback, the QA team often sped up the recordings to 1.5x normal speed. But when they moved to the AI-powered RingSense for RingCX, Joe says, the team no longer found those tactics necessary.
Prior to RingSense for RingCX, our QA team had to review the entire duration. That added up a significant number of hours a month just to listen to the calls–not including the time to document their findings. With RingSense, the AI finds the coachable moments in a call within a few minutes, meaning that process takes one-third of the time –and that means our leaders now have the time to review more calls and spend more time coaching their team members.

Joe Phelps

 Intake Director

Saving money with RingCentral

Although cutting costs did not play a major role in The Husband & Wife Law Team’s decision to switch telecom partners, Joe notes that even on that score RingCentral proved a benefit.
Something else that really impressed us was that RingEX also cost less than our previous VoIP phone system, even though we were getting so much more with the new platform. We received a better product for a better price.

Joe Phelps

 Intake Director

Making their firm future proof

Finally, Joe points out, migrating to RingEX and RingCX helped the firm achieve one of its top priorities: deploying a tech stack capable of supporting the firm’s growth and expansion.
In fact, Joe says, he and his team have already identified several more RingCX capabilities to deploy.
I’m looking forward to using the RingCX outbound campaigns with our lead system. Availability for our potential new clients is our number one priority. It’s very important to us that injury victims get taken care of by an outstanding firm. The outbound campaigns are going to help us make more connections, respond to potential new clients much more quickly, and increase the number of people we’re able to help.

Joe Phelps

 Intake Director

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