With a RingCentral cloud phone system, each extension and department has its own voicemail inbox with multiple options for managing voice messages. Users and admins can select a default voicemail greeting, record a custom one, or use professionally recorded greetings to welcome callers. In addition, you have the option to enable email notifications to be sent to your mobile device or computer when a new voicemail arrives, so you can instantly view and hear your messages at any time—no matter where you are.
- Respond promptly to new voicemails by electing to receive email notifications on your mobile device when you receive a new message.
- Prioritise your responses by selecting the most time-sensitive messages to listen and respond to first with , which displays a list of your messages and the associated caller ID information.
- Return calls quickly and easily with one click from your online account, from your computer using the RingCentral desktop app, or by using the RingCentral mobile app on your smartphone or tablet.
- Welcome callers with a default greeting, with a greeting you record yourself, or one created with professional voice talent.
- Engage callers with answers to frequently asked questions or product or service announcements with customised messages.
- Choose from a variety of music tracks that callers will hear while they’re waiting for their calls to be answered.
Voicemail FAQs
- Your RingCentral phone system offers several voicemail greeting options for welcoming and informing callers—and these options can be modified for each extension.
- Admins are able to select a “master” greeting to be used for every voicemail inbox within the organisation. Individual welcome and voicemail greetings for specific extensions can be set by admins as well.
- Users can create unique greetings for their own extensions and easily change their greetings using their desk phones or online account. To start using your account right away, the default voice greetings are an ideal option.
- Store as many voice greetings as you like in your RingCentral account (for example, out-of-office greetings, holiday greetings, etc.). You can even hire a professional voice actor to record your greetings, and then store the recordings in your account to use as needed.
- After listening to your messages, the Auto-Receptionist will provide options for how to handle each message—including returning the call and forwarding the voicemail to another extension.
- When viewing voicemails in your online account, simply click on the phone number of the caller to use the RingOut® click-to-call dialing feature to return the call.
- You can also choose to reply to callers directly from your computer (PC or Mac) using the RingCentral desktop app—or within the RingCentral mobile app on your smartphone or tablet.
- Yes. You can choose to forward any messages stored in your online account. When you forward a voice message, the file is automatically converted to MP3 format and added to an email as an attachment.
- If you already receive , simply forward them as you would any other email—be sure to include the attachment.
- Each RingCentral account can store a maximum of 200 messages.
- Users who need to keep more than 200 messages can opt to have their voicemails delivered via email, and then save the files as desired—instead of having the messages stored in their RingCentral inbox.
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