Vulnerability scanning
Vulnerability scans begin as soon as we commit the code. Scans detect and remediate unsecure code.
We ask tough questions and challenge every choice during the design process, always ensuring the most secure solution is built right into the product.
Is someone after your data? Relax, we meticulously think about who could target you and how we can keep you safe.
Vulnerability scans begin as soon as we commit the code. Scans detect and remediate unsecure code.
Tools are not infallible, which is why we also have source code reviews. Because two sets of eyes are better than one.
Security quality assurance (QA) testing is where we make sure that we “fail secure”—so even if something goes wrong, we limit the damage that can happen.
With penetration testing by internal teams and qualified third parties, we test simulated cyberattacks to make sure that we double and triple check our products.
We look at everything we learned during design, development, and testing to make sure we are providing a secure release.