Trello Add-in for RingCentral
Manage cards, tasks, and comments directly from team messaging
Trello Add-in for RingCentral app integration
Trello Add-in for RingCentral
Trello Add-in for RingCentral allows users to receive notifications whenever there is new activity on a Trello board. RingCentral will share Trello completed tasks, new comments, and much more to your team messaging conversation of choice. Users can also manage their Trello card without leaving RingCentral team messaging.
Streamlined workflow
Receive post notifications from Trello on all project updates and tag coworkers directly from within the team messaging app, consolidating your work environment into a single view.
Productive team collaboration
Reduce the need for users to switch between multiple devices while working in the team messaging app.
Reduce email and app overload
Pull updates into the team messaging app instead of receiving notification emails from Trello.
Centralize project files
Tell RingCentral to pull in updates from your Trello app that includes file attachments.
Installation instructions
To make use of this add-in, one needs to have read/update rights within the Trello board.
1 . Click "Install Bot" below the logo above if the bot is not installed.
2 . Then add the bot to the team to which you want notification delivered.
- At install flow, you can choose a team to join directly
- After installation, you can click the "Add to a chat" button below the logo above directly
- Or navigate to your team and invite the bot into the team
3 . The bot will respond with a guide message after being added into the team.
4 . Click the "Setup" button at the guide message or send the message "@bot_name setup" to the team for new setup message.
5 . The bot will send you a dialog at the app for setup.
6 . The first time, you need to authorize Trello, then choose Trello board and event filters.
7 . Click "Create Subscription" on the setup dialog to have Trello board connected with your team
At this point, the Trello Add-in has been installed and setup. Next, you need to trigger the events you have subscribed to.
Ask your RingCentral administrator to install this bot into your RingCentral account, then invite the bot into the team that you want to receive Trello activity.
RingCentral Labs
RingCentral Labs is a program that lets RingCentral engineers, platform product managers and other employees share RingCentral apps they've created with the customer community. RingCentral Labs apps are free to use, but are not official products, and should be considered community projects - these apps are not officially tested or documented. For help on any RingCentral Labs app please use the feedback link on the bottom left of each posted card and include your email address - RingCentral support is not yet available for these applications.