Engage Voice PipeDrive for RingCentral
Enhance PipeDrive with RingCentral Engage Voice communications capabilities and create a more collaborative CRM experience.
Engage Voice PipeDrive for RingCentral
Let RingCentral Engage Voice for PipeDrive enhance your CRM experience by automating workflows, increasing call efficiency and improving the quality of customer interactions.
This integration is a Google Chrome extension.
This integration is a community project using the RingCentral Embeddable widget, not an officially supported product, however, community support is available.
Key features
Click-to-call: Place calls from within HubSpot using a hover-to-show tooltip to show click-to-call button on any phone number, saving time and improving call efficiency.
Easy Access: Connect on both Windows® and Mac®, using Google Chrome/Firefox.
Call log sync: Sync call log with note to PipeDrive contact
RingCentral Labs
RingCentral Labs is a program that lets RingCentral engineers, platform product managers and other employees share RingCentral apps they've created with the customer community. RingCentral Labs apps are free to use, but are not official products, and should be considered community projects - these apps are not officially tested or documented. For help on any RingCentral Labs app please consult each project's GitHub Issues message boards - RingCentral support is not available for these applications.
Original release date: 2020-08-04
1. Go to https://github.com/ringcentral/pipedrive-embeddable-engage-phone/releases to download and extract the following zip file hubspot-embeddable-engage-phone-x.x.x.zip .
2. For Chrome, go to Chrome extensions page available under the "More Tools" > "Extensions" menu, open developer mode using the toggle in the upper right corner of the pag, load dist as unpacked package by clicking the "Load Unpacked" button and selecting the correct folder.
3. Go to https://pipedrive.com to verify.
. Go to https://github.com/ringcentral/pipedrive-embeddable-engage-phone to download and extract the following zip file pipedrive-embeddable-engage-phone-x.x.x.zip .
2. Go to Chrome extensions page available under the "More Tools" > "Extensions" menu.
3. Open developer mode using the toggle in the upper right corner of the page.
3. Load dist as unpacked package by clicking the "Load Unpacked" button and selecting the correct folder.
4. Go to https://pipedrive.com to verify.